F r e q u e n t l y   A s k e d   Q u e s t i o n s

I paid registration fee and sent an email to congress office. However, I have not received any update.
        AAs you paid the registration fee, please upload your receipt of payment in your panel. Sometimes it takes time to receive registration fee. As soon we receive it, we will inform you by email. However, some payments have no details and we should await for your payment receipt.

How do you inform me about final decision for my paper. It is "under review" in my panel.
        Acceptance letters will be sent to the email of corresponding authors. However, we will sen you officially acceptance (in PDF format) due to your request.

What should I wear?
        The conference does not have a dress code. Most conference participants tend to dress in business casual.

Who should I contact if I have other questions?
        You may send an email to ICONTES at contact@icontes.org

Will I receive a certificate of attendance?
        A certificate of attendance is available upon request by emailing contact@icontes.org following the conference. All presenters (oral/poster) will recieve their certificates after their presentation.

Who qualifies for the student registration rate?
        A valid student ID is required at conference check-in.

If I submit my paper before the deadline, will I receive notification sooner than who submitted just in time for the final deadline?
        Yes. We will send your manuscript to the editors and reviewrs and you will recieve final decission for your work sooner.

Can a friend or assistant accompany me?
         A conference badge is required to enter all conference venues. If you would like someone to accompany you to any conference sessions, they first need to register and pay the associated registration fee.

If I submit my paper before the deadline, will I receive notification sooner than who submitted just in time for the final deadline?
        Yes. We will send your manuscript to the editors and reviewrs and you will recieve final decission for your work sooner.